MOAC Ministry Grant applications are now open. Learn more and apply by April 1


Available Resources

Congregational Excellence is one of three core practices for the Missouri Annual Conference. The Missouri Conference believes that churches of any size can create new places for new people to connect with Christ and one another. The Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church seeks to resource local churches as they work in their ministry contexts to reach new people for Jesus Christ.


Learn more about grants available from the Conference for mission work and new places,
including Costner-Fulton Mission Grants, Library Builder Grants and New Places for New People Grants.

See Available Grants →


MissionInsite supports the mission of the church around the world by providing denominational agencies and congregations a cost-effective, innovative system.

Get Started→

Vital Signs

Visit to learn more about this local church statistical recording tool.

Visit the Website →

New Church Starts

It’s time to reach more people, younger people and more diverse people. It is time to be about kingdom building, not institution building. The United Methodist Church has identified four pathways for our mission and outreach. The No. 1 pathway is establishing new congregations. We are allocating significant time, leadership and resources to planting new congregations. If we know that new churches reach more people per capita and we value reaching new people for Christ who are dechurched or unchurched, we must make this a priority.

There are multiple types of new starts that congregations and pastors can participate in:

  • Partner church starts
  • Mother-daughter starts
  • Second site starts
  • New faith community starts

Feel called to start something new? Contact the Center for Congregational Excellence.

Urban and Ethnic Church

Created to reach, relate and respond.  Making followers of Jesus Christ in the midst of diversity.

Learn More →

Hispanic Ministries

Information about the different Hispanic ministries in Missouri. It is our goal to achieve a stronger connection among our ministry sites, as well as with other Hispanic ministries in the United States. 

Visit the Page →